pfSense one of the interfaces stopped working after power failure
I've had pfSense working perfectly for the past couple of months. Router was started yesterday due to power failure and it has become extremely slow since then. I can't even reach to internet or even internal devices, even the pfSense web interface is very slow and times out most of the time.
It's running on version 2.7
Two default gateways - WAN_DHCP and WAN_DHCP6
3 virtual LANs created through a switch. Only 2 are in use through WiFi. Strangely, one network works and other (that has pfSense web interface hosted) has become slow and unreliable.This setup worked well for a long time, and suddenly stopped working after power failure.
See following in the logs, but no clue how to resolve. Any help is much appreciated.
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_ibss_fw, 0xffffffff80765a70, 0) error 1
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_monitor_fw, 0xffffffff80765b20, 0) error 1
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel Firmware Error (ACPI): Failure creating named object [_SB.PCI0.TCPU._ADR], AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20221020/dswload2-480)
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (20221020/psobject-372)
Sep 24 07:53:41 php-fpm 15833 /rc.newwanipv6: Error starting gateway monitor for WAN_DHCP
Sep 24 07:53:42 php-cgi 340 rc.bootup: Error starting gateway monitor for WAN_DHCP6
Sep 24 07:53:58 php-fpm 15833 /rc.update_urltables: : ERROR: could not update pfB_PRI1_v4 content from <br />[ Abuse_Feodo_C2_v4, Abuse_SSLBL_v4, CINS_army_v4, ET_Block_v4, ET_Comp_v4, ISC_Block_v4, Spamhaus_Drop_v4, Spamhaus_eDrop_v4, Talos_BL_v4 ]
Sep 24 07:54:03 php-fpm 283 /rc.update_urltables: : ERROR: could not update pfB_PRI1_v4 content from <br />[ Abuse_Feodo_C2_v4, Abuse_SSLBL_v4, CINS_army_v4, ET_Block_v4, ET_Comp_v4, ISC_Block_v4, Spamhaus_Drop_v4, Spamhaus_eDrop_v4, Talos_BL_v4 ]Best regards
Ujjwal -
Do you have more than those two gateways? Are they set as the defaults and not automatic?
Hi Steve, they are set as default gateways.
If you're unable to connect to internal devices that traffic doesn't go through pfSense. So you might have something else in your network that's failing, a switch perhaps. It could be a DNS issue if you're tryin to connect by hostname.
Connect to the pfSense command line via SSH and see what's actually failing. make sure you can ping out yo hosts on WAN and LAN by IP and by hostname.
Hi Steve,
I’ve tried using both, IP and host name. Both rarely work. I’ve services hosted on virtual LANs and tried to do ssh, sometimes they time out and even if I get into the shell, I can hardly type any commands, it’s so slow. Same for the router ssh. Unable to get into the shell and execute commands there.
Is there a way I can check if the switch is failing ?
Do you only see that slowness connecting to hosts in other subnets? (or pfSense itself) That traffic does have to be routed through pfSense so an issue there would show it. If you see it to hosts in the same subnet though that would indicate a local issue, something other than pfSense.
Try connecting a host to pfSense directly and see if it's still slow.
Hi Steve,
I think I found out the issue. I've UniFi WiFi AP connected to the Switch. I restarted this AP and it started working normally again.
However, I am still wondering about the errors I posted earlier. Any idea how do I get rid of those ?
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (iwi_monitor_fw, 0xffffffff80765b20, 0) error 1
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel Firmware Error (ACPI): Failure creating named object [_SB.PCI0.TCPU._ADR], AE_ALREADY_EXISTS (20221020/dswload2-480)
Sep 24 07:53:29 kernel ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS, During name lookup/catalog (20221020/psobject-372)
Sep 24 07:53:41 php-fpm 15833 /rc.newwanipv6: Error starting gateway monitor for WAN_DHCP
Sep 24 07:53:42 php-cgi 340 rc.bootup: Error starting gateway monitor for WAN_DHCP6Also, I haven't been able to uninstall pfBlocker completely. Any hints are much appreciated.
Best Regards
Ujjwal -
None of those errors are likely a problem. Make sure you're running the latest BIOS, the ACPI errors may have been addressed there. The DHCP errors are boot are normal f the interface is not linked yet.
I'd guess the wifi AP somehow was causing a conflict on the network. I would have expected to see errors logged for that though.
Thanks for your help Steve.