Help a newbie - Please?
You don't need a cert just to use DNS over TLS. Just enable that in Unbound (the DNS resolver) and set it in forwarding mode. Then set Cloudflare's servers in System > General Setup.
I got that working on my Mac which is wired and has wifi to the internet, it's also working on my MacBook which is wifi only, thank you.
I tested it with this..........,center%20you%20are%20connected%20to.
But it isn't working on my iPhone or my iPad, which are both on the same wifi as the MacBook, they are attached to a router in AP mode which in turn is plugged into the Netgate 2100.
It's no big deal as Cloudflare have a nice little app, which does DNS over TLS on the iPhone and iPad and the above link confirms it.
Those devices may not be using pfSense for DNS directly. In which case you would need to redirect or block other DNS if you needed that. -
@estwing said in Help a newbie - Please?:
TLS over DNS to Cloudflare
Like : Cloudflaire Docs : DNS over TLS
So : step one :
Step two : Services > DNS Resolver > General Settings
Make sure these are checked - or un checked :
If ok, validate - and done.
Appreciate the comments, at the moment I can't get this working, my best guess is I don't know what Python is and I don't have any Python module scripts.
My goal with this was some extra security for everything in and out of my house, without the problems of using a VPN like Proton or Surfshark or other such stuff, which all seems pretty hopeless!
You don't need to enable python mode unless you're using pfBlocker.
That's interesting, I am using pfBlocker!
OK, it's generally better to use python mode in that case especially if you have a large number of lists. It's a lot faster. Either should work though.
I do appreciate your help with this, I'm in way over my depth now, I can't do Python!
Only a few weeks ago I didn't have any idea what port forwarding was, never mind NAT. If I try and run before I can walk, a bad habit of mine, it won't end well. Hopefully I'm already a lot more secure than your average home user.
Sometimes the only way to learnt something is to get your hands dirty, so I bought a Netgate 2100, I'll keep at it, I will get my head around this, eventually!
You don't need to know anything about Python. That just sets the module Unbound is using to import the lists from pfBlocker.