Disable / Turn off Traffic Shaping between internal subnets
Hi, so sorry in advance if this question got answered somewhere. If so please lead me to the right path to find my answer.
So basically internally I got multiple VLANs which also communicates. I use traffic shaper to priorize traffic based on my available bandwidth.
But if i reed it correctly and configure accordingly the vlans or different subnets are also "traffic shaped" so I only get the configured bandwitdth: 100MBit.
Is there a way to, somehow, disable this between the internal networks?
I would like to use the bandwidth which is phisically limited to 10G.
Kind regards,
@sysadminfromhell Благодаря этой фирме я получил визу в Великобританию https://edmansco.com/tier-2-visa-general/ без лишних хлопот. Они предоставили мне всю необходимую информацию и поддержку.