Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code
@mcury @michmoor UPnP only works for my XBOX shows NAT open on it
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(UPnP RUNNING Xbox shows open nat)🔒 Log in to view
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(ACL)I do have a proxy the only way the xbox works using both transparent + custom
Does Squid need ACLs? If it does why does xbox still run with out it?
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(XBOX NAT OPEN)🔒 Log in to view
(SQUID ACLs)🔒 Log in to view
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
Does Squid need ACLs? If it does why does xbox still run with out it?
If squid is showing connection attempts in port 80 or 443 for the Nintendo Switch, you should bypass it from the transparent proxy setting in Squid.
By the way, I would create an IOT network and put these things there.
Disable Squid and Snort in this network, allow everything but not to the internal networks, enable uPnP or enable portforward, latter is preferred.Note that Snort will listen in the parent interface, so this IOT network should be a separate network and not a VLAN, this will help to avoid the waste of CPU cycles in Snort/pfSense.
@mcury The switch allows Proxy use, it has options for it where as the Xbox does not. That is what's weird I have no issues with anything in Games except the new Disney racing game. Nintendo does allow you to use a proxy in the LAN settings.
@JonathanLee I see, but is there a reason to use proxy in the nintendo switch ?
I don't have one here so I really can't say, perhaps it has a browser that kids could use that you don't want them to use ? -
@mcury Yes I protect the web browser from specific sites. Child Safe system.
(It works great with many games like this)
(F-ZERO X Online 99 players Racing game)
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(Proxy use is approved of for Nintendo Switch)Nintendo Does not block proxy use, they approve of it. But this connection test may check for a proxy right? That is why it has NAT B over NAT A but it should still do a upload test ok right?
@JonathanLee When you get the error code: 2160-8055 (upload test fails), what shows up in Squid ?
Since you are using transparent proxy, you won't be able to bypass that specific domain, but you can check their network IP range in
After getting their network range, can you try to bypass that network in Squid settings and test again ?
@mcury a simple connection test thats shows good https response show ok in proxy too
Maybe . . .
🔒 Log in to view stun port forward???
@JonathanLee I can see that Squid is intercepting SSL connections.
Can you do a quick test ? Disable SSL interception for one second, test again and confirm the results..Then enable it again.
If the test passes, you would need to bypass that network completely from Squid.
I mean, better to bypass the entire network than a single IP address because they usually change.
@mcury it is splice always for Nintendo already so it is transparent for this device
@JonathanLee Its sitll passing through the proxy.
Can you set this up so it doesnt use the proxy at all. Have it hit a firewall rule instead.? -
@michmoor That would defeat the URL blocker/child safe features without the proxy. It has a web browser on it.
@JonathanLee Splice all still messes up with the headers and break SSL chain since the proxy is now doing the request for the website and thus it is not a SSL connection between Nintendo Switch and anymore.
The problem I'm seeing here is that is using akamai.. so a bypass won't help in this situation because you won't want to bypass akamai..
@mcury Dang it. I guess it has to stay broken. The SSL stops at the modem in our LAN. O well.
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
Dang it. I guess it has to stay broken. The SSL stops at the modem in our LAN. O well.
Is it possible to set the proxy only in the Nintendo Switch browser and not in the OS ?
If it isn't, perhaps you could set a password in the browser to block the use of it ? -
Thanks for working with me on this.
The Nintendo switch does work for all NAT B games and for his online account. Disney Speed racing game must require NAT A to work is all I think. So he has a lot of options to have fun with still that let the URL blocker work correctly.
I flat out love Nintendo's version of LAN options over XBOX's. Nintendo just lets you input a proxy. XBOX wont do it, it was such a pain to set up the XBOX, it needed WPAD and after that it needed special DHCP options to tell the XBOX where to go, and special spice options just to have the Child Safe URL blocker work. It was really illusive over Nintendo's simple plug the proxy in and go option. Don't get me wrong XBOX has it's items I like too.
STUN is new to me I have never played with that until today. I wonder if it will improve anything here or not?
@JonathanLee said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
STUN is new to me I have never played with that until today. I wonder if it will improve anything here or not?
STUN is used to tell a server which IP/UDP port to use in the communication.
Sometimes it is just the voice communication in the game that doesn't work properly.
Sometimes is just you won't be able to host a game, but only connect to existing games in the server, things like that. -
@mcury said in Nintendo Switch connection issue Error code:
The problem I'm seeing here is that is using akamai..
That right there is going to break Squid in Transparent mode
@JonathanLee As you are already aware there is an issue with Squid and quickly rotating IPs to Domain Names. So the suggestion to bypass the proxy all together should be considered. -
@michmoor That might be resolved once PfSense adds unbound support for DoH. Unbound already supports it, just pfSense does not have the GUI options for it yet.
I don't have the issues you have, again I only use A DNS records because my ISP does not allow IPv6. The Nintendo works mostly for everything I need.
I have learned it does use STUN for something check this out.
My Nintendo SW is This is a STUN port accessing Google stun is Google, I assume because of the port used its a STUN server for Nintendo port 3478 I added a supress to that IP for it.
I created a PCAP file when this connection test runs it seems like it has a lot of RST from the firewall itself this is when the connection fails right after
8 nil-aas(3128) -> 10316 [RST]
keep in mind I do have a WAN floating traffic shaping rule running.
Any ideas?