IGMP Proxy doesn't start
When i execute your command from root in a shell on pfSense:
adding VIF, Ix 0 Fl 0x0 IP 0xe201a8c0 vmx2, Threshold: 1, Ratelimit: 0
There must be at least 1 Vif as upstream.that's it...
Later today i will be able to reboot the machine.
Perhaps the newly added vlan has not been setup correctly from boot-time... -
You might try even more verbose:
igmpproxy -vvd /var/etc/igmpproxy.conf
Which interface is vmx2?
Does the actual conf in /var/etc/igmpproxy.conf look correct?
@stephenw10 said in IGMP Proxy doesn't start:
igmpproxy -vvd /var/etc/igmpproxy.conf
Beeing more verbose showed that igmpproxy doesn't see the new vlan when it starts up: vmx3.101
I hope it can be solved by rebooting the router, but there has not been a good moment yet.
vmx2 is the LAN, which is the downstream for the proxy.
Confirmed: After a reboot the igmpproxy is able to find vmx3.101 and can start correctly.
So i think pfSense should investigate this...
Is there a guide on how to setup igmp proxy for Caiway multicast TV ?
That does seem unexpected. I can't immediately see why a reboot would make any difference there. The only time that would normally be required is if something set a loader value. There are some vmx loader values that might apply but you'd have to manually set them.
If you can repeat this it's probably worth opening a bug report for. -
Am i correct in concluding that pfSense Plus is no longer free for HomeLabs ?
At this time it's not available, yes.
So first Netgate asks every enthousiastic home user to feel free to register and buy the plus license for 0 euro, and now this has been disabled ?
My problem: the Packages List doesn't show anything... i understand this is because i have added a NIC to my router ?
Can i re-activate my license ?
Send me your order number or old NDI in chat and I'll check.