Migrating to new hardware. From Plus 22.05 to CE 2.7.0
I am attempting to migrate a config from an older SG-4860-R1 to new hardware running CE 2.7.0. The system was up and I configured the NIC and copied the config from my old Netgate SG-4680 and rebooted. It gets stuck after “uhub0: 18 ports with 18 removable, self powered” during reboot. As I recall there is an OLD bug that would cause the system to hang when booting but I don't recall the fix. Perhaps I am running into that.
@jc2it Did you copy the config file to disk, or restore after install? Or use ECL? https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/backup/restore-during-install.html#restore-using-the-external-configuration-locator-ecl . The old config would likely need converting which the restore would do.
@SteveITS I did not know I could restore during install. I restored after install. Once the LAN was setup so I could connect a laptop I logged into the web interface and went to Diagnostics --> Backup & Restore and then using the Restore options uploaded the config from the old Netgate SG-4860.
@jc2it In that case, don't know why it hung up. And I wouldn't necessarily expect it to with an unconverted config file, I don't know what happens there. Can you post more of the console output? Maybe someone will see something.
I was going to ask if it boots if you revert to a default config at the console, but I guess you can't get that far.
...probably easier to just install again though. -
I don't see anything that needs to be secret in this photo, correct me if I am wrong. It is interesting that there is a couple of Lines about ZFS and I installed using UFS because I wasn't trying to make a software RAID.I was told the next few lines should be:
Root mount waiting for: usbus0 ugen0.2: <Logitech USB Receiver> at usbus0 ukbd0 on uhub0 ukbd0: <Logitech USB Receiver, class 0/0, rev 2.00/12.01, addr 1> on usbus0 kbd1 at ukbd0 mountroot: waiting for device /dev/gpt/rootfs…
@jc2it ZFS is the default and recommended, actually...it can use only one disk.
Overall though, it booted file before the config restore?
Did you leave a USB stick inserted?
@stephenw10 may have insight as the resident expert. :)
It's set to use the serial console as primary. That's the last output you see on both consoles. It's waiting for you to reassign the interfaces at the serial console.
Force it to boot VGA then set that as primary in the gui when you have access.
@stephenw10 Yup! That was it. Changing to use the serial interface on the device seemed to work. Thank You!