New Install with 6100 and no downstream router
I am new to netgate and have only dealt with 2 that were already setup so this is my first new setup. I have a ISP that is fiber converted to 45. There is no router on site. I can directly connect my laptop to the converter and change the ipv4 settings to match the isp and I get out to the internet. I have connected the new 6100 and did the wizard setup and I also went through and made changes that needed to be made after the wizard like the tcp lan port and ip address. I was provided with 5 static ip,s a gateway ip, subnet and 2 dns from the isp. The only way I was able to get online gateway status was to set the WAN interface ipv4 ip address to one of the static ip addresses they gave me. If I set the upstream gateway to the gateway ip they sent me it goes off line so I have it set at none or the static I used for the ipv4. My gateway status is showing online but I can not get out to the internet! I dont have anything special configured. It was basically a wizard setup. I have looked through all the settings and dont know what could be blocking me from getting out to the internet. Like I said I know just enough to be dangerous so please dont hate on me.
Thank for any help -
J jimp moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
The WAN gateway needs to be set the IP the ISP gave you so pfSense knows where to route traffic.
That gateway may not respond to pings which is what pfSense uses to monitor the status. You can set different IP for it to check against, like in System > Routing > Gateways: Edit the WAN gateway.
You might also need to reboot any sort of ONT or modem the ISP provided if you connected to it with your laptop and it locked to the MAC address of that.