creating post for user having problem with spam
This is a test post to try and get rep points up
@Mike_Uk @stephenw10 @Derelict
Hey this user having some issues posting, I have created a post for him trying to get his rep points up to 5.
Could you guys give him a thumbs up.. I looked and don't see his IP on any black lists.
Anyone else that finds this post, give a thumbs up until he hits 5.. I tagged all the users that came to me off the top of my head that are on quite a bit.
If he has a random public IP black listing is not necessarily his own fault, I assume. -
@viragomann yeah I checked, its not on any lists I can find.. And normally user that have issues are on the stop forum spam list - but he is not on that..
The IP looks like a normal ISP IP.. hoping if he gets 5 he can post. Thanks for the help
With my luck - his first post will be spam ;) hehehe than won't I look stupid.. hahah
It's a static IP that we have reverse DNS that points at it. I don't know if that will affect askimet? -
It's working. Thank you for the upvotes guys!Mike
Looks like is working now - thanks everyone that got his rep to 5..
I wish it was easier to just like whitelist a IP or see exactly why something is being blocked, what rule is being triggered or what is adding up to whatever point level that blocks them.. But from my understanding from chatting with the Admins, its pretty much a black box. But it does seem to keep the spam to much lower manageable level..
So seems to be a necessary evil just have to live with.
Seems there is another one affected of this issue: -
@viragomann yeah was just looking at that one - none of his past ips show being on the black list for the forums that I have direct access to look at.