Single node to HA cluster -> Config migration
Hi all,
I have an identical server on the way to act as a secondary node to my current standalone node. I am wondering how to perform this migration.
Currently I run 2.6 and plan to upgrade to 2.7 while I am at it.1: Backup config of current 2.6 node
2: (re)install 2.7 and both nodes and setup HA with a clean config
3: Restore parts of the backup config xml to the primary's running config xmlParts that need to be restored are; Users, Certificates, IPsec and OpenVPN. Some other nice to haves might be DNS, DHCP, etc. I plan to rebuild all FW rules and packages with thier cofig.
What is the best way to do this? Can I simply export the new config, add stuff to the file, and restore it back? Primary will reboot and changes are propogated to the secondary node?
Any 2.6->2.7 stuff I need to be aware of?Thanks in advance!
@ballistic In System>High Availability Sync there is a list of things router1 will sync to router2 including all of those.
I would set the new addresses on router1 (new WAN and LAN, CARP/shared WAN and LAN), set up router2 with its unique WAN and LAN, and let pfSense sync the rest of the config for you.
@SteveITS Thank you for your input. But that is not what my question is about.
@ballistic OK, rereading... :) One can restore just sections of a config file via the "Restore area" dropdown on the backup/restore page. It doesn't work for package configs but has most or all standard sections.
Editing a config file by hand is definitely possible if the info is added correctly. I've on occasion changed internal interface names for example, or copy/pasted sections. Is that what you're asking? Then on restore it should sync to the secondary. I am not sure if that happens during the restore, or after reboot, tbh. If nothing else save any change on the primary and it should sync.
re: 2.7, there are a few notes at about removed algorithms. 2.7.1 will update OpenSSL so there is another set of caveats there.
@SteveITS Thank you!
Unfortunately there does not seem to be a backup option for users and/or certificates only. So looks like i'm going to have to copy those sections of config over manually.