AMD board will not boot…
For the first time I cannot get pfSense to boot from a harddrive after having installed it the 'normal' way. It has always installed and booted without a hitch, however with this AMD Athlon board it just hangs after finishing the live-cd 99 installation.
This is what I've done:
Entered 99 from the live-cd menu
Tried to change keymap (have national keyboard) but there were no choices (why?) so I just accepted the default settings.
Selected Install pfSense
Selected ad1 as HDD (the only hdd drive, 20Gb)
Select disk geometry: Accepted suggested setting
Formatted drive
Partition disk: I selected <skip this="" step="">Install Bootblocks, <skip this="" step="">Select a Partition, accepted suggested partition data, 18.9 Gb, drive formatted again.
Select Subpartitions:
Mountpoint Capacity
/ *
[swap] [1024M]
I accepted these defaults and the actual files copy started and copying procedure ended without errors.I removed the CD during the reboot but the computer just hangs with no error msg when arrived to the boot point.
I have also tried with the boot manager suggested in the wiki, but to no avail.
Are there any 'manual' steps I can try?
Thanks for any suggestions
Take a look at
Try without ACPI, without DMA, etc. All outlined in above links.
Thanks Scott,
I tried with a third disk and it finally worked after I enabled LBA. Luckily ;-)
As of the installer's Keymap select option, is it intentional that there is no selectable countries but the 'default' there?
Any other possibilities to assign a national keyboard layout to pfsense..?