PFsense Plus Home/Lab downgrade
Currently I'm experiencing an issue with the IGMPPROXY which makes watching television a very annoying experience.
Currently I'm on PFsense Plus home/lab license and since this license is discontinued I'm wondering if there is a path to downgrade to the previous version of PFsense plus without losing my (free) PF+ subscription.I'm still in the posession of my PF+ activation token but I don't know if I can re-use it?
As long as the hardware is the same the NDI will be the same and it will still be registered and eligible for upgrade for the life of the subscription. It doesn't matter what version it's running.
I'm thinking about upgrading my machine with 2.5GBe or 10GBe nics, will this change my NDI and thus my PF+ subscription?
Yes it would but if you need to do it it's possible to migrate that to the new NDI.
Thank you for your answers. I will contact netgate prior installation of the NICs so all will be alligned :-)
You can ping me in chat and I can check the NDI if you wish.
I didn't install the new NICs yet so the NDI didn't change.
I've downgraded succesfully to 2.7.0 using my old 23.05.1 config.How can I trick pfsense to upgrade to 23.05.1 which isn't an option anymore since N-1 version is 23.09 now because 23.09.1 released.
I assume there is a file where I can change that the "newest" version from 23.09.1 to 23.05.1.
As I said in chat you can probably reach it from 2.6 since that pre-dates the dynamic repo system and 23.05.1 is what was passed at that time.
This worked like a charm! Thank you very much!