Advised for this nat problem.
I have a new services from my ISP that I receive, is a MPLS, let me show u the image maybe is more clear.
I have communication with my ISP remote server, but looks like my NAT is causing that went my packets reach the destiny they arrive with my PF WAN MPLS IP 172.23.X.Y and they need to be my Client1 IP.
What I need to change to make this possible?
Thanks all for your time, happy holidays!!!
@periko The issue is that your ISP is using RFC 1918 address space.
There is an option under the WAN interface to enable/ disable Block private networks and loopback addresses
@periko you would need to disable outbound nat if you want your isp to see your client IP.. Out off the box pfsense does outbound nat to whatever its wan IP is.
@NogBadTheBad those rules on wan would only stop inbound traffic into wan address that you wanted to forward to something behind thee nat.. That is unsolicited inbound traffic, has nothing to do with a client behind pfsense started a conversation with some rfc1918 address upstream of pfsense.
@johnpoz hello.
In my case I have 3 networks, u mean, change my NAT to manual and remove the network involve from NAT?
Thanks for your help.
@periko Or just a hybrid rule that when talking to that destination IP do not nat, etc .
Using whatever your client and destination IP is.. Since I would assume you maybe want to nat that client when talking to other stuff?
@periko yeah if you don't want that whole network to not nat, then yeah that would work.. I would pick IPv4 only on such a rule. And you would need to need to make sure it in the correct location in your hybrid rules - they evaluate in order.
So you created a hybrid nat, or your doing manual nat.. I never understand why anyone would do manual.. If you need to do something other than the normal automatic nat, then just create a hybrid rule for the stuff you want to do different, etc.