UDP hole punching: new datagram from same local IP and port doesn't re-use external port
I am experimenting with UDP hole punching, as illustrated in this diagram on Wikipedia.
UDP hole punching works because, as I understand it, the router adds an entry to its translation table with ip:port, external ip:port (source). As long as the same local ip:port are used, the external port should also stay the same. The external port is discovered using a STUN server. Then, from the same source port, both clients send a UDP packet to each other to 'update' the translation table entry with a new destination address. Now, both clients can communicate, because they have an entry to accept each other's traffic.
However, while experimenting with this I discovered that pfSense seems to use a new random external port for every UDP datagram, even when it has the same source address and port number (but a different destination). This was found by looking at the state table and seeing many entries with the same local source, using a different external source each time. Captured pcaps also show the same.
Is it expected that pfSense creates a new NAT entry when the destination changes, but the source remains the same? Doesn't this break UDP hole punching?
Apparently this is because pfSense (pf) uses Symmetric NAT. This makes hole punching impossible.