WAN with static IP never shows as Online and only show as Unknown
I am having issue with my 2nd WAN connection which never show as online(it is up) and show up as Unknown.
Same connection with same settings on previous version of Pfsense works normally.
Issue is with the latest 2.7 version
Tried setting up pfsense 2.7 fresh after format but still same issue.
Dpinger fails for the connection but if I manually ping the gateway or any other IP from diagnostics-> ping it works perfectly fine.The connection is a static IP connection with /28 subnet
Tested with machine upgraded from 2.6 to 2.7
also on a fresh install of 2.7If 2.6 is reinstalled and used with it then the connection shows correct status.
@rajnetgen one thing that comes to mind different with dpinger vs normal ping, is dpinger will send a 0 sized ping.. While normal ping will include some data..
Its possible what your monitoring isn't answering those pings? Do a sniff do you see the pings going out - do you see replies? Try changing the monitor to say or something.. Also you could try editing so it sends data vs zero.
@johnpoz Yes had tried different monitoring IPs
The data payload was showing default as 1. tried with 2 -
@rajnetgen did you sniff to see dpinger sending, vs when you send normal ping?
@johnpoz sorry couldn't check earlier.
Will try tonight and let you know.
Thanks -
@johnpoz tried packet capture, it shows incoming and outgoing ping requests but nothing from dpinger pinging the gateway IP or the custom IP used from google DNS.
I also checked the 2nd WAN and it's showing gateway check pings in packet capture.
@johnpoz Hi, any other suggestion which could be tried to get this working correctly?