Block SSH(22) From Wan But Allow from LAN
I don't understand why, but I can access to SSH from WAN.
I want to secure my WAN interface.
I tried to block it with a rule, but impossible, SSH is always enabled from WAN.What is my problem ?
Thank you
@mathais its not available via actual wan, but yes your lan which by default has a any any rule would allow you from your lan network to connect to pfsense public IP/wan address via ssh.. actually the anti-lock out rule would make sure you can, etc..
This comes up quite often to be honest, where users think something is open from wan, but they are checking from lan.. Go to say can you see me . org and send traffic to 22..
@mathais also, consider upgrading:
@SteveITS hi, I'm using the last version 23.09.1-RELEASE (amd64) of pfSense Plus.
@mathais hmm whatever I was looking at mentioned 2.7.1. I guess I posted on the wrong thread?
Well, if you’re testing from somewhere on the Internet, and not LAN, show us your WAN rules.