i really have problem with NUT package which seems it started since last update. Im using Riello 2000 UPS in so called ECO mode. ECO mode has its own issue which i will not address here since it has nothing to do with frequent disconnect.
I had similar issue when i was using it on USB driver, but i had to connect it with serial just not to have this problem. And since last update it appeared again. I really dont know what to do now; I have number of these units, and this is really a problem.
It do random DC from driver, and worst of all it DC when power outage is, and only i can bring it back is by restarting NUT service. That "upsmon 33360 Signal 15: exiting" is me manually restarting service.
2.7.2-RELEASE (amd64)
NUT 2.8.2_1 ups connected serial (driver riello, on local serial, port=/dev/cuau0)
And extra argument user=root
Can someone please help me to sort this Riello mess out? Please?
Thank you in advance.
Mar 6 12:07:26 upsmon 13012 UPS RielloSEP2200: on bypass (powered, not protecting) Mar 6 12:05:00 sshguard 76662 Now monitoring attacks. Mar 6 12:05:00 sshguard 9607 Exiting on signal. Mar 6 12:02:24 upsmon 13012 UPS RielloSEP2200 on line power Mar 6 12:00:53 upsmon 13012 UPS RielloSEP2200 on battery Mar 6 12:00:53 upsmon 13012 Communications with UPS RielloSEP2200 established Mar 6 12:00:50 upsd 95894 Connected to UPS [RielloSEP2200]: riello_ser-RielloSEP2200 Mar 6 12:00:49 riello_ser 83108 Startup successful Mar 6 12:00:48 upsmon 13012 Poll UPS [RielloSEP2200] failed - Driver not connected Mar 6 12:00:43 upsmon 13012 Poll UPS [RielloSEP2200] failed - Driver not connected Mar 6 12:00:38 upsmon 13012 UPS RielloSEP2200 is unavailable Mar 6 12:00:38 upsmon 13012 Poll UPS [RielloSEP2200] failed - Driver not connected Mar 6 12:00:33 upsmon 13012 Communications with UPS RielloSEP2200 lost Mar 6 12:00:33 upsmon 13012 Poll UPS [RielloSEP2200] failed - Driver not connected Mar 6 12:00:33 upsd 95894 User local-monitor@ logged into UPS [RielloSEP2200] Mar 6 12:00:33 upsmon 12898 Startup successful Mar 6 12:00:32 upsd 95894 Startup successful Mar 6 12:00:32 upsd 95548 Found 1 UPS defined in ups.conf Mar 6 12:00:32 upsd 95548 Can't connect to UPS [RielloSEP2200] (riello_ser-RielloSEP2200): No such file or directory Mar 6 12:00:32 upsd 95548 listening on ::1 port 3493 Mar 6 12:00:32 upsd 95548 listening on port 3493 Mar 6 12:00:32 riello_ser 39446 Signal 15: exiting Mar 6 12:00:32 upsmon 33360 Signal 15: exiting Mar 6 12:00:28 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Mar 6 12:00:23 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Mar 6 12:00:21 php-fpm 41087 /index.php: Successful login for user 'admin' from: (Local Database) Mar 6 12:00:18 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Mar 6 12:00:13 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Mar 6 12:00:08 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused Mar 6 12:00:03 upsmon 33360 UPS [RielloSEP2200]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused