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I'm looking to purchase a hardware device for my dual ISP home office.
Questions: Does pfSense support Intel i226-V 2.5G ports?
Any recommendations for all-black 1u firewall hardware for under $500 USD? Currently, I'm considering one for ~ $400, but it comes with i226-V 2.5G ports, and I'm reading in an old post that i225/6 isn't supported. Is that still the case?
i225/226 is supported by the igc driver in 2.7.2.
@stephenw10 So this mean I have to install that driver or are you saying its now supported by default using that driver?
It's supported by default. That driver is in the 2.7.2 kernel.
[2.7.2-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: kldstat -v | grep igc 147 pci/igc
@stephenw10 Thanks sir!
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