Bom dia, algum ja passou por esse PFSENSE CRASHED.
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information:
amd64 12.3-STABLE FreeBSD 12.3-STABLE RELENG_2_6_0-n226742-1285d6d205f pfSense Crash report details: No PHP errors found. Filename: /var/crash/info.0 Dump header from device: /dev/ada0p3 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 4 Dump Length: 78336 Blocksize: 512 Compression: none Dumptime: Thu Mar 21 10:30:31 2024 Hostname: Magic: FreeBSD Text Dump Version String: FreeBSD 12.3-STABLE RELENG_2_6_0-n226742-1285d6d205f pfSense Panic String: page fault Dump Parity: 2621097819 Bounds: 0 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/textdump.tar.0 db:1:lockinfo> show locks No such command; use "help" to list available commands db:1:lockinfo> show alllocks No such command; use "help" to list available commands db:1:lockinfo> show lockedvnods Locked vnodes db:0:kdb.enter.default> show pcpu cpuid = 2 dynamic pcpu = 0xfffffe007f10c200 curthread = 0xfffff801651e2740: pid 55973 tid 105540 "e2guardian" curpcb = 0xfffff801651e2ce0 fpcurthread = 0xfffff801651e2740: pid 55973 "e2guardian" idlethread = 0xfffff8000532a000: tid 100005 "idle: cpu2" curpmap = 0xfffff8017ed0c138 tssp = 0xffffffff83719870 commontssp = 0xffffffff83719870 rsp0 = 0xfffffe00644bdcc0 kcr3 = 0x800000001b12d076 ucr3 = 0x800000007a95c876 scr3 = 0x1f1cb38a1 gs32p = 0xffffffff83720088 ldt = 0xffffffff837200c8 tss = 0xffffffff837200b8 tlb gen = 4993097 curvnet = 0xfffff8000508fb80 db:0:kdb.enter.default> bt Tracing pid 55973 tid 105540 td 0xfffff801651e2740 kdb_enter() at kdb_enter+0x37/frame 0xfffffe00644bd1e0 vpanic() at vpanic+0x197/frame 0xfffffe00644bd230 panic() at panic+0x43/frame 0xfffffe00644bd290 trap_fatal() at trap_fatal+0x391/frame 0xfffffe00644bd2f0 trap_pfault() at trap_pfault+0x4f/frame 0xfffffe00644bd340 trap() at trap+0x286/frame 0xfffffe00644bd450 calltrap() at calltrap+0x8/frame 0xfffffe00644bd450 --- trap 0xc, rip = 0xffffffff80e1d8c0, rsp = 0xfffffe00644bd520, rbp = 0xfffffe00644bd580 --- m_copym() at m_copym+0x30/frame 0xfffffe00644bd580 ip_fragment() at ip_fragment+0x258/frame 0xfffffe00644bd620 ip_output() at ip_output+0x1286/frame 0xfffffe00644bd770 tcp_output() at tcp_output+0x1bb9/frame 0xfffffe00644bd910 tcp_usr_disconnect() at tcp_usr_disconnect+0x75/frame 0xfffffe00644bd960 soclose() at soclose+0x67/frame 0xfffffe00644bd9c0 _fdrop() at _fdrop+0x1a/frame 0xfffffe00644bd9e0 closef() at closef+0x23e/frame 0xfffffe00644bda70 closefp() at closefp+0xa0/frame 0xfffffe00644bdac0 amd64_syscall() at amd64_syscall+0x387/frame 0xfffffe00644bdbf0 fast_syscall_common() at fast_syscall_common+0xf8/frame 0xfffffe00644bdbf0 --- syscall (6, FreeBSD ELF64, sys_close), rip = 0x800aa5cca, rsp = 0x7ffdd379fbf8, rbp = 0x7ffdd379fc10 --- db:0:kdb.enter.default> ps pid ppid pgrp uid state wmesg wchan cmd 62218 61758 367 0 S piperd 0xfffff802247eebe0 cut 62032 61758 367 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b1 cpustats 61758 56897 367 0 S wait 0xfffff8016cb1d000 sh 88665 88081 87451 0 S piperd 0xfffff80071e6f8e8 sh 88081 87451 87451 0 S wait 0xfffff80006dd0000 sh 87862 87451 87451 0 S (threaded) sshg-blocker 104173 S piperd 0xfffff80224777be0 sshg-blocker 107339 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b1 sshg-blocker 87705 87451 87451 0 S piperd 0xfffff80071e6d2f8 sshg-parser 87635 87451 87451 0 S piperd 0xfffff80071e6e8e8 cat 87451 2711 87451 0 Ss wait 0xfffff8014f48c530 sh 31935 367 367 0 S accept 0xfffff8002ab074d0 php-fpm 92982 367 367 0 S accept 0xfffff8002ab074d0 php-fpm 60273 60239 58840 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b1 sleep 60239 1 58840 0 S wait 0xfffff80103d69a60 sh 60065 367 367 0 S accept 0xfffff8002ab074d0 php-fpm 31453 367 367 0 S accept 0xfffff8002ab074d0 php-fpm 75548 74230 73863 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b3 zabbix_agentd 75275 74230 73863 0 S select 0xfffff8007a8ebec0 zabbix_agentd 74962 74230 73863 0 S accept 0xfffff801d1b4dba0 zabbix_agentd 74677 74230 73863 0 S select 0xfffff80063f2bd40 zabbix_agentd 74658 74230 73863 0 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b1 zabbix_agentd 74230 1 73863 0 S wait 0xfffff80224b90a60 zabbix_agentd 56897 1 367 0 S piperd 0xfffff80006a20be0 sh 54469 1 54469 0 Ss (threaded) openvpn 100544 S select 0xfffff80165dfa240 openvpn 101306 S kqread 0xfffff801656b6e00 openvpn 13352 1 13352 136 Ss select 0xfffff8008626fb40 dhcpd 385 1 385 59 Ss (threaded) unbound 100630 S kqread 0xfffff801f1336d00 unbound 101657 S kqread 0xfffff801f1b22a00 unbound 105565 S kqread 0xfffff80103ab1500 unbound 107224 S kqread 0xfffff801f1e5dc00 unbound 47174 1 47174 0 Ss (threaded) dpinger 100587 S uwait 0xfffff8003aed1a00 dpinger 103295 S sbwait 0xfffff8007a0708a4 dpinger 103499 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b3 dpinger 105550 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b2 dpinger 106052 S accept 0xfffff801d1b534d0 dpinger 47109 1 47109 0 Ss (threaded) dpinger 106670 S uwait 0xfffff8007a6eb980 dpinger 100766 S sbwait 0xfffff8002531e1d4 dpinger 102928 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b0 dpinger 103099 S nanslp 0xffffffff836a31b3 dpinger 103188 S accept 0xfffff8006bdf9168 dpinger 5256 367 367 0 S accept 0xfffff8002ab074d0 php-fpm
You should upgrade to 2.7.2. There have been a lot of fixes since 2.6.0.
@stephenw10 nosso posso atualizar, porque tenho pacotes personalizados na 2.6
S stephenw10 moved this topic from General pfSense Questions on
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