Unable to boot to new beta: 2023.09.1 to 24.03.b.20240322.1708
Unable to boot to new beta version. During the upgrade process on my Netgate SG-4860, the upgrade tool indicated "success" but unbale to boot to new version. Please find the PHP_error log for furthing investigation. PHP_errors.log.txt
It actually doesn't boot at all? How far does it get?
That error is known but should be fixed in the current beta version.
@stephenw10 - I updated to the new beta again and it booted to the Beta version and seems to be working, expect for Wireguard which will not start. I was able to reinstall Wireguard package and it finally started.
Hmm, yeah that was what should have happened automatically.
What packages do you have installed? I can't replicate that here.
Hey Stephen,Here is the list of packages that I am running. Please note that I moved back to version 2023.09.1 due to latency issues with the Beta version and the screenshot shown below shows the latest versions for 2023.09.1.
Thanks. We managed to replicate it locally. Fix is in the works....