Version from Exported Config 15.8?
Hi All,
I have a customer who was running a PFSense virtual firewall and they have provided me with a copy of the configuration. What has thrown me is that at the top of the exported config is a version of 15.8 which doesn't appear to relate to any previous version of PFSense I can find. Can anyone shed any light on this for me please?
<pfsense> <version>15.8</version> <lastchange></lastchange> <theme>pfsense_ng</theme>
You mean this : pfsense config version 15.8 - click on the first link ?
Config version 15.8 was used in pfSense versions 2.3.3 to 2.3.5p2. See: that's a pretty old config!
I can't believe I missed the config revision in the table! Doh! Thank you both that answered my question!
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