How to make best use of the drive space on a Netgate 1100 device?
I am seeking advice on repartitioning or otherwise making optimal use of the storage space on my Netgate 1100 systems.
I run a number of Netgate 1100s. On one of them, I had a problem with the 23.09 upgrade and reinstalled a new image (which worked great -- Thank you to Netgate for the image!). In looking carefully at my five 1100s, they all have the same hardware with an 8Gb MMC storage device on mmcsd0. On the one that was reinstalled, the dashboard shows 5.5 Gb of storage. On the factory installed (and subsequently upgraded) devices, I see about 1.6Gb of storage that is mostly used.
Is there a way to repartition the drives to make most use of this? Do I have to reinstall? Am I misguided in wanting to do this? I would appreciate any guidance or insight from the community.
grep mmc /var/run/dmesg.boot
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on sdhci_xenon1
mmc0: Failed to set VCCQ for card at relative address 2
mmcsd0: 8GB <MMCHC DG4008 0.1 SN 7CDB3B03 MFG 01/2018 by 69 0x0000> at mmc0 50.0MHz/8bit/65535-block
mmcsd0boot0: 4MB partition 1 at mmcsd0
mmcsd0boot1: 4MB partition 2 at mmcsd0
mmcsd0rpmb: 4MB partition 3 at mmcsd0diskinfo -v mmcsd0
512 # sectorsize
7820083200 # mediasize in bytes (7.3G)
15273600 # mediasize in sectors
512 # stripesize
0 # stripeoffset
MMCHC DG4008 0.1 SN 7CDB3B03 MFG 01/2018 by 69 0x0000 # Disk descr.
7CDB3B03 # Disk ident.
# Attachment
Yes # TRIM/UNMAP support
0 # Rotation rate in RPMdf -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
pfSense/ROOT/default 1.6G 1.1G 555M 67% /
devfs 1.0K 0B 1.0K 0% /dev
pfSense/var 562M 6.9M 555M 1% /var
pfSense/tmp 557M 1.2M 555M 0% /tmp
pfSense/var/log 559M 3.7M 555M 1% /var/log
pfSense/home 555M 96K 555M 0% /home
pfSense/var/db 558M 3.0M 555M 1% /var/db
pfSense/var/tmp 555M 112K 555M 0% /var/tmp
pfSense/var/cache 555M 96K 555M 0% /var/cache
pfSense/ROOT/default/cf 557M 1.4M 555M 0% /cf
pfSense/ROOT/default/var_cache_pkg 724M 169M 555M 23% /var/cache/pkg
pfSense/ROOT/default/var_db_pkg 564M 9.0M 555M 2% /var/db/pkg
tmpfs 4.0M 132K 3.9M 3% /var/run -
@gsengel You probably just need to delete old boot environments. they are listed in the GUI as something like "32K" but delete it and you'll get a lot of space back.
@SteveITS Thank you. That is exactly what had to happen. I had been slowly watching the % free space go down, and didn't put together than the total space was going down on every upgrade. Removing the old boot environments solved my issue completely. I appreciate this advice!!
@gsengel You're welcome. I think pfSense is supposed to trim some out, when installing updates? But it doesn't seem very aggressive about it, and that wouldn't affect disk needs in between updates. So I am in the habit of deleting the oldest one every time I do an update, and just keep 1 or maybe 2.
24.03 will alert you upgrade failures if it exhausts the drive space and automatically falls back to the last BE. So it's both easier to tell why it failed and much difficult to fail entirely!