VPN: IPsec: Mobile Groups 24.03-RC
I just upgraded my home machine to test the latest pfSense Plus RC. One of the new features was sorely needed and I am looking forward to being able to use it in production. Being able to create multiple Mobile Groups is something we need in our facilities since we have several outside groups using VPNs for various reasons.
I am getting an error when trying to create more than one group even though the group names are completely different as well as the IP ranges
The following input errors were detected:
Another entry with the same group(s) already exists.
Are any of you guys having the same issue?
@jon-mck Please update the redmine ticket for the new feature with your issue - otherwise it won’t be noticed before release.
Unfortunately I’m completly swamped in work and havn’t had time to beta test yet.https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/13227
@jon-mck Have you tried the posted patch? It would be nice if it could included in another RC build instead of all of us having to patch the release to fix this issue :-)
@keyser That worked perfectly! Thank you guys!