TLS Error, reconnecting
I finished setting up my PfSense firewall, rebooted it but now in the status instead of getting UP, I get TLS Error, reconnecting. Anybody knows why?
Thank you in advance -
What status where? You have a screenshot? Copy/Paste the output?
S stephenw10 moved this topic from Problems Installing or Upgrading pfSense Software on
Stephen I was able to solve it by switching from Open VPN to WireGuard. Not sure what mistake I was making. I have a final question, it seems like the only error message I have left is "DHCP client not running on WAN." igb0_error_output when I reboot the firewall. Then when I go on the Wan interface it says it's missing rules. Is there any article or website you could recommend because now it had been almost a month that I had been trying to configure my Protectli PfSense until I found this group? Thank you so much for your help.
Alex -
The DHCP client error is not unusual at boot if you have a number of processes starting. As long as it is running and pulls an IP address after boot it's probably not an issue.
Do you have the actual logs where that appears we can check?I'm not sure exactly what you mean by WAN rules are missing. Do you have a screenshot?
@AlexDesro18 said in TLS Error, reconnecting:
Wan interface it says it's missing rules.
Do you see something like this on your wan?
The "wan" needs no rules, but it defaults to having block rfc and bogon.. But maybe he removed those?
The rfc and bogon are the only rules that would be on your "wan" unless you add something.