DNS Forwarder not working with IPv6 Track WAN ID
maybe someone pointed it out or there is a bug tracker entry, which I cannot find, which descripes this issue.
Today I was figuring out stuff whats going on wrong on my pfsense box and saw that the DNS6 which gets provieded via RA and DHCPv6 does not work. If I check the setting for DNS Forwarder its clear to me that the public IP which the Interface gets via Track Address from WAN with ID 1 does not listen on port 53. So If I try a nslookup or dig on the "public" ip on the LAN interface I Don't get any aswer whatsover because the DNS Forwarder setting doesn't have this IP listening only the link local one can be choosen.Is this known and if so how do I fix this so the IPv6 works as intended?
Kind regards,
OK this issue can be close, its fixed with the upgrade today to 24.03.