Cannot Login to fresh install of V2.7.2
I have just done a fresh install of V2.7.2. using Hyper-V on Windows Server 2022. I cannot do the initial Login using admin & pfsense. "admin" is accepted OK, and I get prompted for Password:. But when i attempt to key anything in, nothing is echoed on the screen.
I have been using V2.6 for about two years. i have just upgraded my Server from Windows Server from 2019 to 2022.
Having got other VMs going OK. I decided to check whether the was a new version of pfSense. So downloaded 2.7.2. Rather than attempt an upgrade, I decided I might as well do a fresh install. So I deleted the original pfSense VM and its virtual hard drive, and did a fresh install from scratch.
So it installed OK? You were able to enter data at the console at first boot?
And you are able to connect the webgui but cannot enter a password?
Same from multiple browsers? Client OS types?
I Managed to figure it out myself thanks. Having successfully installed the software, I forgot to Eject the ISO, I had used to build it. So, when it restarted, It tried to reinstall. I therefore Cancelled the re-installation, and ended up God knows where. I suspect id was in BSD. I was there that I could not log into psfSense!Anyway, having re-read the notes I wrote myself, the first time I installed pfSense. I saw my comments, in red, about ejecting the ISO. Did that - problem solved.