No traffic, tunnels in the green
AH traffic is not encrypted, only authenticated. I would fix the device that supposedly requires AH, as otherwise you're sending all of this traffic with no protection.
Unfortunately we can't dictate to the 3rd party how they should set up their VPN tunnel, they get to dictate to us what we have to set up in order to connect to them.
You do know that you need to set up separate tunnels, right? The tunnels to your routers could have the ESP setting and the tunnel to the third party could use AH. I apologize if this answer is beneath you. I don't know anyone's experience level. -
I realize the need for seperate tunnels, as I have 5 tunnels already set up on the main router to go to the other routers. However, the problem still remains that the AH protocol is not allowing traffic which would still be an issue on the other tunnel to the 3rd party. Unless the problem is only with 2 pfsense routers trying to use AH.
I just realized something. I am getting traffic from to but not from to which is how I want it. How can I change the order so that traffic from can get to If I can get that traffic to flow then what I am trying to connect to should work as I can ping from but not from
I also just noticed that I'm getting a sendfromto failed error on
" racoon: ERROR: sendfromto failed"
Well in new news I setup a tunnel between me and another local location and it was working fine then went down. I brought the tunnels back up but again I can't get traffic through the tunnels.
Well in new news I setup a tunnel between me and another local location and it was working fine then went down. I brought the tunnels back up but again I can't get traffic through the tunnels.
Can I ask what version you have at both locations?