Need help routing only Google Drive desktop app traffic through a specific gateway
I tried doing some searches and couldn't find anything here that would answer my question.
I work for an MSP locally here in Utah and I have a client that is using a dedicated firewall device running 2.7.0-Release. They just had a dedicated fiber optic line run from their site directly to Google's datacenters to allow for a direct-connect. We got the BGP session initiated and the two BGP neighbors are communicating. This dedicated pipe is not a traditional gateway and will not work for normal web traffic. The client set it up because they relocated their entire fileserver to Google Drive and were tired of using VPN's. I followed a KB from Google that's supposed to only route Drive traffic but when I enable the rules for it, it routes ALL Google traffic even from the web, which then breaks their browsing because this pipe is not a traditional gateway. Here's the KB:
I haven't set any NAT rules up yet; should I? I was thinking of going through that list again and start stripping things out that look like it's not related to Drive specifically. I have pfBlockerNG installed but nothing setup yet.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!