Client PCs showing as LAN IP of pfSense. (not the private LAN as specified in the phase 2 vpn settings)
pfSense running version 23.09
Client IPsec VPN (policy based)
allowing traffic from 172.16.10.x/24 over the VPN to access resourcesTunnel comes up with no issues.
When checking server side, am seeing clients coming from the LAN IP of the pfSense. It should show each client coming from 172.16.10.x/24 but it is not. Was working on 5/10 then changed on 5/13 with client machines showing the LAN IP of the pfsense on the server side.
No changes to either side of the tunnels - no changes.
Any idea why all of sudden i am seeing this traffic over this one vpn tunnel as coming from the LAN IP of the pfsense and not the client network?
Thanks -
Did you state a gateway in the LAN interface settings by any chance?
If so and there are no good reasons for this, just remove it.