Can I configure a block of ports on my router to act like an unmanaged switch?
Is it possible to configure a block of ports on my switch to act like a dumb/unmanaged switch, isolating them from all the other ports? According to TP-Link, that ISN'T/can't be done on the switch.
@ErniePantuso Did you just post the same thing 3 times?
Maybe you should start over.
Say you have a 24 port switch, but you're only using 5 ports.
Then you need to add a new network which needs another 5 ports.
Do you go buy a new switch?
No, you use vlans. Vlans make one physical switch into 2 or more logical switches. A vlan creates a new broadcast domain so they are completely separate networks.
So you can take that 24 port switch and make it 2 - 6 port switches to handle both of the networks in the example. And still have 12 ports to spare.
Make Sense?