Problems with CE 2.7.2
Hi there, I hope I've got the right bit of the forum?
Am I missing something here, I was stuck on CE version 2.7.0 and when checking versions found the newest one was 2.7.2 (but said was the current working version, weird....
Thing is when I try and download it (CE 2.7.2) from the site, it keeps asking me to buy it, ok its free but then shows the Plus version in BETA mode, whats up with this please?
I found CE version 2.7.2 using the Internet Archive but there's no packages available, is this normal?
I'd just like clarification please, been using this OS for years just seems really odd to me.
Thanks so much
Jeremy. -
@jezsmith81 Ahh so sorry my fault completely there, with the software packages think was missing a directory in the root bit ie /root
Weird as I'm usually pretty good at debugging, oh well least its showing all packages now.
Thanks again so much
Jeremy. -
The Net Installer can install CE. It will offer that if you don't have current eligibility for Plus.
For reference if you're stuck on 2.7.0 it's usually because of the cert issue. Running:
certctl rehash
will allow it to see 2.7.2.Steve