Shared Internet connection
A customer of mine wants to rent part of his building to a tenant and part of the deal is that my customer provides Internet connection to the tenant by sharing his own connection (Verizon FIOS, static IP address).
My customer says that the tenant wants to bring their own router (I don't know if indeed that's the case). If so, the tenant's router will be downstream of my customer's existing pfSense router.
What are the best practices for such shared setup?
@amnixed Segment it out and firewall so neither network can talk to each other.. And prob put in some sort of limiting to amount of bandwidth the tenet can use.
Be it the tenet wants to use their own router doesn't really make much difference.. They could just use a switch for this new segment or if you have the proper switches that can do vlans, you could segment out ports for the tenet on the current switch infrastructure.
I would also want details on what services are to be provided.
How much bandwidth?
Firewall support, such as opening ports.
Uptime guarantees?
Is it a violation of the ISPs TOS to share?
I think this is only a start... -
Your customer better check their service terms, before sharing with anyone. Typical residential service does not allow sharing with others.
While the points of residential connection and sharing are valid - I assumed when they talk about your customer's building and renting, that has a support contract with you are your company to support their firewall - I would assume they have a business connection with some isp.
But then again I don't think it would be your responsibility to make sure some customer you provide tech support for is following the tos with their isp?
I doubt their tos for the isp selling internet access to person/company X gives two shits if someone in the same building is using the internet as part of rent they pay you for the space... What those sorts of rules are to prevent is user X getting a connection and then selling it their neighbors for a profit, etc..
Otherwise all these airbnb sorts of places wouldn't be able to "legally" provide internet to their guests in the house for a weekend without a business connection. And I can tell you for a fact none of the airbnbs I have stayed at had any sort of business connection ;)
But I would make sure they understand you will put a limit on their access for bandwidth, or they could suck up your customers whole pipe and leave nothing for your paying customer, and that there are no sla on service - if it happens to be down for a while, etc.
The isp shouldn't care if you pay X for 100/10 connection if you use 100/10 24/7/365 - but they prob care if house A gets pays X for the connection per month and then shares it with their neighbors and they miss out on houses B,C,D and E from paying X a month for their connection ;)
Thank you all for the pointers. Good reminder about the ISPs TOS.