Online installer for a router!!?
Have you guys lost your brains? An Online installer for a router is about the dumbest thing i've heard of (unless a few use cases)
Unless you live in a perfect word, are on-site with the router, have a DHCP clean WAN, are not trying to setup a new router to replace an old router etc etc etc etc etc
Absolute madness and smacks of further locking down the installer to needing a purchase code.
And your rubbish installer is LARGER than the original offline installer. Don't want DHCP active? you have to configure the DHCP scope you're not going to use to match the LAN subnet.. Not a lot of thought or testing went into this im guessing.
It's Friday afternoon, normally it takes me about 15 minutes to setup a new PFSense router.
Now, I have to register to download an installer that requires way more documentation than the whole PFSense router. I'm swearing my brains out here.
Just install the software and let us configure it later. $%^!!!! Configuring it in PFSense is WAY easier than this ridiculous installer.
I'm an hour in here and ready to throw it out the #$%^'n window.
very dissapointed.
Now I finally have it installed and I have to re-setup the WAN address etc?
What was the point of all this? Why can't we just download an ISO again? I'm not expecting an answer
@iantmarshall Don’t worry, I got caught in Captcha hell last weekend and couldn’t’ even download the thing, and ended up giving up in disgust and finally managing to track down a direct link to the images to do it manually. It is ridiculous. If someone can’t manage to download an image and create their own USB stick I don’t think they’re the market for pfSense quite frankly.