UPS Status on Dashboard does not update - minor annoyance.
I am running 24.03 on an SG-5100. We had a power outage that brought my UPS down to 25%, then I shut it down.
When the SG-5100 came back up the UPS had a note that the UPS needed attention and showed battery low. Fair enough, but now that the battery is full it still shows the message. I had to go to services UPS and look at the status there before it would update the dashboard. Shouldn't this update on some polling interval? It has stayed that way for the whole day, but even early this morning it showed fully charged already, so about 12 hour ago.
@Phizix The refresh interval is every 10 seconds.
Sounds like you simply had a browser refresh issue.
I went to the page multiple times over several hours. It could be something with the Chrome browser.
It changed as soon as I checked it on the services page and went back to the dashboard.
Can you test from a different browser? Different client?
I would need something to force a status change. Maybe unplug the UPS so that NUT complains.
I have Edge and FireFox I can try on it.Phizix