Access pfSense menu
Does anyone know if I can access this menu via ssh?
Because at the moment when I enter through SSH that is what it shows me
Do I have to turn on some setting that I don't know about?
Currently, the only way I can access this menu is via a console cable or via an HDMI cable.
It would be great if there is some way I can access it without cables like ssh for example.
Thanks in advance for your time!
@markdudov log in with admin, or su up to admin/root - some user account you created isn't going to show the menu
For some reason when I try to log in with admin or root it gives me RADIUS rejection. What do I need to change on the radius settings or on the user to be able to log in without it giving me RADIUS rejection? -
I found the problem I just had to add my user as a user in the radius server
Do you have any idea how I can give the same rights as admin to the other users as well so when I log in with them via SSH, I can see the same menu as with the admin
@markdudov I can ssh in fine without adding admin as a free radius user.
Have you removed admin from the admins group membership:-
No. I have admin to admin group.
Do you know how i can disable login with password because i currently have a radius server set up and when i try to login with it i succeed but besides login with it and try with password it also gives me. Is there a How to disable login with password and only login with radius server?
@markdudov I don't think you can.
What happens if you could delete it and radius fails to start, you won't be able to fix anything.
You can't delete the admin account.
Yes, it is but in that sense why have a radius server as you can log in with a password anyway?
Is there any way to disable the password login and only the radius server login remains?
@markdudov said in Access pfSense menu:
Yes, it is but in that sense why have a radius server as you can log in with a password anyway?
So you can create a single account and point multiple devices to the radius server.
I have use the same radius ID to log into all my network devices and if I need to change the password it just needs doing once on the radius server.
Most devices have a fail through so it only uses radius till it fails then the local account becomes active, don't think you can do this with pfSense.
Pop is a feature request
@markdudov said in Access pfSense menu:
Does anyone know if I can access this menu via ssh?
To connect to pfSense you need to connect to pfSense.
You've shown here it lives at :This is just great :
but you forgot to explain why you took some other random IP address.
And what about the port ? SSH is port 22 ....
The user should be 'admin', not 'md'.And do what all systems admins do on planet earth : you use Windows, so install this : Putty.
Dono where you've found that ancient '2.7.0', really get the '27.2' first. No one love all bugs, the recetn ones are far better ^^
Actually for a couple years now you don't need putty.
Powershell terminal supports basic ssh -l root or ssh root@ now.I know...blew my mind.
@skogs windows added ssh many years ago.. But they always seem to be behind last I looked.
I always just install this openssh version