Enable core file dumps when an application crashes or segmentation faults
No it starts swap and that file goes to cache folder weird right?
Not sure what you mean. pfSense starts to SWAP? What file goes to the cache folder?
@stephenw10 squid does a swap log squid does not pfSense, it generates a swap.log file or something in the cache folder. After I bound it to the loopback and not just the LAN I have not seen the segmentation fault. It occurred when I was viewing the squid status area the one showing active connections. So I think it needs to be also bound to loopback and not just lan. Again I still don’t feel comfortable that it didn’t creat a log, do I need to chmod, and or user group permissions for the folder?
Ah, hmm, no idea what that is then!
If you don't see the process segfaulting in the system log I wouldn't expect to see any core files.
n 11 10:29:15 kernel pid 4993 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6
Jun 11 10:29:15 (squid-1) 4993 FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying. listening port:
Jun 11 10:23:13 kernel pid 43536 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6
Jun 11 10:23:05 (squid-1) 43536 FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying. connection: conn749025 local= remote= flags=1
Jun 11 10:19:00 sshguard 98282This is the error it is a segment fault right?
Oh, yes you need Squid to listen on localhost to see the stats from it. That's how it is queried.
@stephenw10 so that solved my error, normally would that generate a corefile? Squid developers said I can manually generate a core dump also to get the stack
For example, if you want to abort a Squid worker process that has OS process ID (PID) 12345, you may do something like this: sudo kill -SIGABRT 12345 You can use "ps" or "top" commands to learn PIDs of processes you want to signal.
When I did this it also showed no core file.
@stephenw10 that swap file it creates is not readable it’s compiled information also. Just a side note
If a process aborts and creates a core file you should see something like:
Mar 19 23:14:22 kernel pid 76582 (php-fpm), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
May 7 15:15:47 fw1 kernel: pid 65129 (pftop), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 6 (core dumped)
@stephenw10 do you know how or what commands are used to manually trigger it for squid?
Nope not something I've ever tried. Did you try the command they gave you?
@JonathanLee said in Enable core file dumps when an application crashes or segmentation faults:
coredump_dir /root
Where did you set that?
@stephenw10 yes it showed blank from command input in GUI it killed the process but no core file it didn’t generate one when I used that command
I am going to try this one recommend by a freeBSD forum user
killall -11 squid worked for me (as root)
@stephenw10 advanced options on squid configure gui area, it takes when I run squid -k parse also
It tries to dump the core for both the main and child squid processes here but fails with:
Jun 12 19:02:08 kernel pid 80887 (squid), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 6 (no core dump - bad address) Jun 12 19:01:48 kernel pid 33418 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6 (no core dump - bad address)
@stephenw10 that looks like a permissions issue with Squid I wonder if we set it to squid logs location if that would work? Bad address? Does it mean path?
Yes I assume it's trying to dump somewhere it can't or has nothing configured.
I don't expect to set that value in the Squid config. It shows the same for other processes. Seems like a FreeBSD env value missing.
@stephenw10 I bet it is like field of dreams for code, if you code it developers will come…
killall -11 squid
mine shows no information on core anything...
Jun 12 12:11:40 kernel pid 84728 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6
Jun 12 12:11:40 kernel pid 84677 (squid), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11 -
@stephenw10 try to put it in quotes like this
coredump_dir "/var/squid/logs"