2.5GB on 10GB WAN port on Netgate 1541?
Is it possible to run the 10GB WAN port on the 1541 at 2.5GB? It currently will not autodetect 2.5GB and falls back to 1GB. The Interface WAN (ix0) speed selection config only includes autoselect, 1000baseT, and 10Gbase-T.
Is any update available to add support for 2.5GB? If so, any guidance would be appreciated?
If not, can anyone suggest an inexpensive 2.5GB expansion card? I don't want to over invest in a product that is already EOS.
The other option would be to run it through a vlan on a switch to "translate" from 2.5gb to 10gb, but I really dislike that option.
Not the on-board NICs, no.
The only ix NIC I'm aware of that can link at n-base rates is the x550-t. Those are still expensive.
However any Intel i225/i226 based card should work there.
Thank you.