Atualização e instalação de pacotes
Unable to retrieve package information.Não consegue atualizar e nem instalar novos pacotes
Updating Unofficial repository catalogue...
pkg-static: An error occured while fetching package
pkg-static: An error occured while fetching package
repository Unofficial has no meta file, using default settings
pkg-static: An error occured while fetching package
pkg-static: An error occured while fetching package
Unable to update repository Unofficial
Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: . done
Fetching packagesite.pkg: . done
pkg-static: No trusted public keys found
Unable to update repository pfSense-core
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: . done
Fetching packagesite.pkg: .... done
pkg-static: No trusted public keys found
Unable to update repository pfSense
Error updating repositories!