Need update for "PorkBun" Dynamic DNS Clients
I use the Dynamic DNS Client feature, and received the message from Porkbun stating the API endpoint is changing.
Can we ensure an update to the service is pushed out, as 12/1/24 the API name will be changed.
Email from Porkbun on the topic:We know these kinds of changes are annoying but the time has come to separate the processing of incoming API commands from our website. In previous documentation the hostname was used for the API but we have recently updated it to and in the near future will start enforcing its use. Please update the hostname for our API to as soon as possible.
Type: API Hostname Change
Old Value:
New Value:
Deadline: 2024-12-01 00:00:00 UTC
I got same email from Porkbun. How can we change API hostname?
@LawRi Not sure, hence why I posted, I dont see any option to edit the API Endpoints in the UI.
@linuxdrake I got new mail from PorkBun
Hello,Thanks for your email. It appears there's a submitted ticket for the issue on the Github repo.
The URL will need to be updated in the ddclient code so you should be able to track that issue at the Github link.
Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Support Engineer
Aparently it's know issue with ddclient, we have to hope netgate will update dd client as soon as issue is solved. -
Did negate update their ddn client for new Porkburn Api URL?