HAProxy jwt_verify on disk certificate location?
Question: Where should the public key for HAProxy jwt_verify be placed on disk or web interface?
I want to use HAProxy to verify the JSON Web Token (JWT). The HAProxy jwt_verify documentation says that a secret or a path to a public certificate must be specified. Where would the public key be placed within pfSense? The jwt_verify documentation says, "the certificates that might be used to verify JWTs must be known during init in order to be added into a dedicated certificate cache so that no disk access is required during runtime."
Here is an example of what it looks like in the configuration. My question is where to put the
on disk or within the web interface.http-request set-var(txn.jwtresult) var(txn.bearer),jwt_verify(txn.alg,"/my/path/mycert.pem")
I am running pfSense 2.7.2 CE with package HAProxy 0.63_2.
My example is based off of the example in the HAProxy blog.