LAN Configuration Problems
I just installed pfSense 2.7.2 on a Protectli vault (FW4C).
WAN port is connected to a cable modem and IPV4 Configuration is DHCP. IPV6 configuration is DHCP6.
OPT1 & 2 are configured as static IPV4. I can plug a computer into either of these interfaces and connect to the internet without any issues.
LAN is configured as Static IPV4 and Track IPV6 Interface is set to WAN port. If I connect a computer directly to the LAN port, I can not connect to the internet.
Any suggestions on how I can troubleshoot this?
Thanks in advance for any help
@user-853 what are the rules on the lan interface vs the other opt interfaces? Do you have any floating rules?
You sure you can not get to the internet, or is it your client is just wanting to use IPv6 and that isn't working.. Can your client on the lan ping say, does your client on the lan get an IP from the dhcp server running on your lan interface in pfsense?
LAN - the only thing that I see different is that I have IPv6 Configuration type as "Track Interface" on LAN and "None" on OPT1 & OPT2
Ping - I can ping WAN, OPT1, & OPT2 (from pfSense diagnostic menu) without any packet losses. If I ping LAN it is 100% packet loss.
DHCP Lease - I have a variety of devices plugged into OPT1 ... all have IP addresses and are connecting to internet. If I switch to LAN .. nothing gets addressed?
@user-853 said in LAN Configuration Problems:
If I ping LAN it is 100% packet loss.
You mean pfsense can not even ping its own lan IP? How are you accessing pfsense web gui if the lan is not working? But yeah pfsense can not even ping its own IP there is something for sure not right and no you prob not going to work.. Nor do you get an IP from dhcp