Best statistics package..
If I want to log / report internet bandwidth usage by port and user (IP / MAC) what package / options should I choose…?
Tips / experiences welcome
ntop and darkstat do logging. Where darkstat is rather simple and small (doesn't use much RAM or diskspace) ntop uses a lot of resources. Depending on what you want to see/log either of them should work. You just have to try what fits your needs (and hardware) best.
ntop and darkstat do logging. Where darkstat is rather simple and small (doesn't use much RAM or diskspace) ntop uses a lot of resources. Depending on what you want to see/log either of them should work. You just have to try what fits your needs (and hardware) best.
I checked the darkstat pages and I also tried darkstat some weeks ago with an earlier pfsense release.
However I couldn't figure out how to create a report of local users (IP or MAC adresses) sorted by download amounts and the possibility to open details of each of these to reveal which ports were used.
Is darkstat capable of this, and if yes - can someone give me some clues on how to set it up to achieve this…?
thanks anyway ;-)
Set your DHCP leases pretty high so all your users get "kind of static" IPs or add static mappings. Set up a syslog server that logs DHCP leases (status>systemlogs, settings). This way you can get the information you need. However, really detailed reports are not available with the darkstat package. You might have a look at ntop.