Strange issue with ip for subnets for LAN.
Had pfsense CE installed (latest version 2.7.2) decided to reinstall to new drive saved config backup. Reinstalled pfsense and imported backup. Can access internet on all vlans, but can't access pfsense webUI or ping pfsense interfaces
I have used 10.0.x.x/24 private ip ranges for my vlans.
reinstalled and imported config multiple times, same issue. Did reinstall and on default config only changed lan to be (dhcp adjusted/manual ip tried) client getting ip from correct subnet but can't access webui or ping pfsense interface...edited config file changing vlans from 10.x.x.x subnets to 192.168.x.x subnets and it worked...
anyone else encountered this? -
Hmm, but it is somehow routing traffic on every interface?
Can you ping out from the console to anything?