SG3100 upgrade failing 24.03 to 24.11
Hello. I upgraded from 24.03 to 24.11 and everything appeared to be going normally. After it finished with no apparent errors, and while I waited for it to reboot, it never seemed to come back up, even after several minutes. Definitely considerably longer than the other upgrades I have done. So I decided eventually to power cycle the box. When I did, it did boot back up, but back on 24.03 again. I guess it backed out somehow.
But a banner is now running on top of the main page that states "Netgate pfSense Plus has detected a crash report or programming bug. Click here for more information." When I clicked the link it downloads a PHP_errors.log file which I will attempt to attach here or otherwise make it available. In addition, every time the main dashboard screen loads and the box attempts to check for updated, I get a notification (mine come by email) with the following contents:
Notifications in this message: 1 ================================ 22:58:17 PHP ERROR: Type: 1, File: /etc/inc/, Line: 4569, Message: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "AF_INET" in /etc/inc/ Stack trace: #0 /etc/inc/ get_dnsavailable() #1 /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/system_information.widget.php(90): get_system_pkg_version() #2 {main} thrown
Any advice on how to resolve the issues and complete the upgrade would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Last night, I upgraded 3 x Netgate 3100 from 24.03 to 24.11. Expect the 3100 to take 10-12 minutes to come online after the upgrade reboot. Also expect the CPU to spike to 100% after it comes back online as it downloads and upgrades any packages that were previously installed. Be patient as this box is slow. Grateful that Netgate is supporting this very last round of pfSense+ upgrade on an EOL box
Yes sounds like it had not completed the upgrade and now might have mismatched files.
You can try to run the upgrade again to complete it. You might try upgrading from the console so you can see when it completes.
But be sure to backup the config in case you need to re-install.