Confused since the introduction of pfSense Plus
Since a couple of years pfSense is the core of my advanced home network. And I like it. However I am confused since NetGate introduced pfSense plus.
Of course Netgate has to earn money and of course it is not fare that others are earning money selling boxes based on their free software. So I understand it.
But ... up to the moment pfSense Plus was introduced I was upgrading my router on a regular base with the beta versions discovering issues sometimes generating a ticket.
With the introduction of the ‘Plus version’ I became confused:- Should I change to the plus version or not
- Could I go back, If I do so or not
Some time in the beginning there was a moment that as home user you could get a free plus license. I got one. And since than I did not test or upgrade any more:
- Not knowing If I would lose my license doing so
- Still not knowing if my license will expire at a certain moment
- Not knowing what would happen when updating the FW-hardware
As the situation is now, no beta downloads and not clear when or if there will be a new free version. More confused than ever.
I am sticking at the previous pfSense Plus version for the moment ..
If you have a current Plus subscription it is valid for all Plus versions. You should upgrade to the current version unless you have some very good reason to remain on an old version.
@louis2 said in Confused since the introduction of pfSense Plus:
Could I go back
You can install CE and restore your config file if the "config rev" is the same or earlier: said in Confused since the introduction of pfSense Plus:
what would happen when updating the FW-hardware
If the generated NDI changes (based on hardware changes) the license is invalidated.