Help needed - for setup
@fin1000 Post your problem here, maybe you get an answer for free.
Can I post an anonymised config file here?
Yes. Or link to it hosted somewhere else, pastebin etc.
TAC can help you with config issues like that though if you need that.
Thanks for that but not sure what TAC is tho (numpty here)
The Netgate Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is our customer support. You would need TAC Pro to get help with VPN policy routing though.
But what issue are you seeing exactly?
System works for 10-20 mins then bits stop being connected requiring reboot to only go bad again
Haven’t looked at in a while as it was just above my skill level and had already spent too long editing the config hence thinking getting the whole config file checked by someone that can spot errors
Strangely, I’ve a system running elsewhere which is fine and this one that’s problematic is copied from that an screws up on two different boxes -
OK, so what exactly works and what exactly stops working?
Like traffic from each LAN is correctly routed and then stops being routed? Stops passing entirely? Do you see traffic blocked in the firewall?
10-20mins seems like an ARP timeout issue. It could be an IP conflict somewhere.
Thanks for the input
I’ve not attempted to use it in a few months as I couldn’t get anywhere with the problem an now can’t really remember what exactly was the issue (chickened out of sitting infront of it for hours modifying the config an not getting a solution - main problem with this is when working on it I’ve got no internet as I can’t run another internet connection at the same time - and only one AP and smart switch an then have to reconnect my other box an all the cables
Ill attempt to get it running tomorrow and report the results a maybe post config tho it’s a bit much to ask to ask for anyone to have to look over such a large file !!
Thanks again! -
If you upload it here I can take a look:
Many thanks I’ll dig it out
May take a while tho