Adding RAID long after original install
Wanting to add RAID to a pre-existing Dell 9020 built pfsense+ 24.11-RELEASE.
My plan is to add three SSD's, run pfsense install via memory stick and select the RAID configuration during the install. Once the install is complete reboot with my current config file on a memory stick and have it upload the config file.
I want to use cheaper SanDisk or Crucial 128GB hard drives from Amazon. I am guessing FreeBSD is robust enough to accommodate most SSD's.
The most important difficulty is getting the installer and ISO to load onto the memory stick since, I assume, my old Activation Token I received when moving from CE to pfsense+ will no longer work with the change to the terms of service. Suggestions, ideas and recommendations on whether I am in the ballpark with my thinking appreciated. -
Replacing or adding drives will not change your NDI. So if it's valid now it will still be valid when you reinstall. You won't need to enter a token etc, it will be seen as valid and you can install 24.11 directly.
@stephenw10 Okay, but I do not have the installer or ISO since I started with CE and then midstream decided to take advantage of the free upgrade to pfsense+.
So how do I go about getting the installer and ISO for 24.11 if it available?
Just download the Net Installer from the store it will see your NDI as valid and offer 24.11 at install time: -
@stephenw10 Thank you for the info. All appears to work... until checkout when there appears to be no feedback or response to my email and password when submitted. Stuck in digital limbo.
Hmm, you're unable to checkout from the store?
@stephenw10 Yes, and even now I cannot complete the transaction. I am at the login page to complete the transaction in the shopping cart - I press the SIGN IN button and I get no response to my reply.
Is it worth trying another browser? If not, is it worth my time to call the support number? -
@stephenw10 Well I got through the login page to the checkout page by moving to another desktop..... but it wants me to agree to the terms and conditions - and I finally realized I had to click on the whole Legalize paragraph to agree and finish the transaction.
I guess I better order some hard drives.
Again thank you for your expertise and answers.