>Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out
I am sorry if i posted on the wrong subforum. As i am very new to Pfsense or any firewall in general i hope you could help me out. i am running a small server with unraid and i wanted to deploy a docker gameserver. the issue is it wont port forward it and if i use test port, it says connection failed . every other service that i am running i can port forward and it works instantly and i already tried some other gameservers and the also dont work. i also have a problem accesing the unraid webui with only the ip,that worked with an asus modem router and the port forwarding worked also without issues. is there anything i could check? Everything else seems to work ok.And if you can help me please explain it so that a newbie like me can understand it :) Thanx in advance
@D4nt33 said in >Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out:
with an asus modem router
So you already used a router before, and I'm pretty sure its also a firewall.
Some good news for you then : basically, they are all the same, do the same thing.
pFsense has more features, that's all.So, if you managed to set up an access 'from the Internet' to a device that lives on your LAN, then you know what to do to make it work with pfSense.
@D4nt33 said in >Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out:
i also have a problem accesing the unraid webui with only the ip
has nothing to do with 'NAT', and can you use some more words to tell what the issue is ?
You access 'what' (which network, IP, mask etc) from 'what' (which network, IP, mask etc).@D4nt33 said in >Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out:
every other service that i am running i can port forward and it works instantly and i already tried some other gameservers and the also dont work
Works instantly ... and also doesn't work.
In the same phrase you talk about several things here ? -
Thanks for answering but i didnt have any firewall setup on my normal modem/router that i used before. Unraid is a nas server operating system. it runs on my local network and before i could just type the ip of the server using a pc on my local network and it would bring me directly to it now that doesnt work and the only way is to type the domain name (the name of the device is mini so mini.local) but that actually doesnt mater if it doesnt work but the port forwarding does. i also run other services like immich, sonarr, radarr and similar and if i port forward the services it does work and i can also use test port and it makes a connection with the ports on the server but with anything that doesnt have a webui or similar it doesnt work. i think the pfsense cannot see or talk to the service on my server but i dont know why.My old modem had only port forward option and i could choose which ip and which port that was it. I also tried running other gameservers just to make sure it is not a gameserver issue that is what i meant. Thanks -
@D4nt33 said in >Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out:
before i could just type the ip of the server using a pc on my local network and it would bring me directly to it now that doesnt work and the only way is to type the domain name
There is nothing in the firewall (pfsense or other) that would prevent your from accessing your internal servers via IP. The only thing that would make it not work as before, is if the IP has changed, and you need to find the new IP.
@D4nt33 said in >Port Forwarding not working for Gameserver on Unraid.Please help me out:
i am very new to Pfsense or any firewall in general
Do you use static IP settings for your servers in pfsense?
Might be easier to assist you if you paste some pictures of your NAT rules and firewall rules here.