multiple servicewatchdog process eating memory
I got multiple Netgate 2100 in 24.03 with Service_Watchdog 1.8.7_2 working fine for months and all of a sudden, memory issues, always the same pattern:
After a bit of troubleshooting i discovered this:
Cant do much at this point because ssh and webui are not accessible anymore but i wonder how i could figure out which service (if any) is causing this out of those monitored:
Couldnt find anything in the pfSense-pkg-Service_Watchdog changelogs
Let me know if you got any ideas.
I've never seen that but I don't use the Service Watchdog package like that and it's not intended to be. It should really only be used to help troubleshoot issues with services.
I assume you are not seeing all those services stop unexpectedly?
I would guess that when enabled on all those services the time taken to restart them if a WAN bounces is overrunning the timeout causing additional restarts.
@stephenw10 thanks for taking time to share your feedback.
Indeed we rarely got issues with those services, few times with the vpn client and the dns service but not thing bad.
The thing is if we loose the vpn we can't access the appliance anymore that's why we used the watchdog package.If it's not the primary intent, how to make sure a service would restart in case of a rare failure?
Well you shouldn't have to do that at all.
But usually if you find some issue that's causing a service to stop or fail to start it only affects one service. In that case you can use the Watchdog package to make sure it does start whilst finding the root cause of the issue.
Do you see any watchdog events logged at all?
@stephenw10 nope but the root cause of the problem was an emmc issue apparently:
i hope i can stick an m2 ssd instead then reinstall and restore on it ;)
Urgh. Yup you should be able fit an m.2 SATA drive and restore to that. There's no issues with booting from that in the 2100.
@stephenw10 just saw that thx,
"By default, the M.2 SATA drive will then be the first drive recognized by pfSense" that's good :)
Thanks for your help!