Usb error on tx: SHORT_XFER with 1.2.3-RC3 and -RELEASE
This wasn't happening in 1.2.3-RC2, however, between that point and now I added a usb2.0 card and replaced an aue which had a bad ethernet clip (electronics fine) with an axe.
The fun part: that axe, the WAN, on the usb2 PCI card, is fine. the rue, on the original usb 1.1 internal port, started throwing errors. So I replaced it with an axe on the usb2 card to see if it'd make a difference. Nope. the second axe (but not the first) then threw SHORT_XFER errors.
No clue what's up here.
You know what date on RC2? It's possible if you got one that was still FreeBSD 7.1 release and moving to 7.2 broken it.
You know what date on RC2? It's possible if you got one that was still FreeBSD 7.1 release and moving to 7.2 broken it.
Alas, no. If I still had the tgz I'd just use it :)
Ok, so it looks like this also happens with 7.1: when there's an axe on the system, the rue throws SHORT_XFER errors regardless of whether it's attached to a usb 1.1 or 2.0 controller.
Likewise, a second axe throws the error. The first axe does not. An aue with an axe does not.
If this isn't a critical system, you might want to try 2.0 to see if it's still an issue on FreeBSD 8.0. If it is, it should be reported to freebsd-net list.