A few problems with DHCP
Hi -
I've been testing some of the new options on DHCP, such as tftp server, and "Additional DHCP" Options. I found a few problems:
1) If you add a "numbered option" and then delete it, so you have no more left, the DHCP config screen will crap out on line 312 in services_dhcp.php. I think you're just missing a if (isset …)
before: unset($config['dhcpd'][$if]['numberoptions']['item']); after: if ( isset($config['dhcpd'][$if]['numberoptions']['item'])) unset($config['dhcpd'][$if]['numberoptions']['item']);
the above seems to fix it.
2) some of the "numbered options" expect int32 or uint32, but it seems that the config always writes it as a string. I haven't found where this happens yet.
For instance to set tz offset in seconds, I'm east coast, so that would be -18000 DHCP option 2. The config generated by the gui for this is below, but doesn't work:
option domain-name "local"; option ldap-server code 95 = text; option domain-search-list code 119 = text; option custom-opt-0 code 2 = text; default-lease-time 7200; max-lease-time 86400; log-facility local7; ddns-update-style none; one-lease-per-client true; deny duplicates; ping-check true; authoritative; subnet netmask { pool { range; } option routers; option domain-name-servers; option ntp-servers; option tftp-server-name ""; option custom-opt-0 "-18000"; }
Good catch :)
It would probably be best to open this up as a ticket in redmine ( http://redmine.pfsense.org ) and if possible, include a diff/patch.